What is AuresSound™?
AuresSound™ supports customer to be more agile and improve operational excellence, ensuring that customer is not only profitable, but operating as efficiently, productively, and as safely as possible.
AuresSound™ improves OEE & reduces CO2 emissions
AuresSound™ offers operational excellence services and improves Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by giving real-time information about processes. The basis for productional efficiency is correct information and, in our case, right acoustical and technical data. AuresSound™ can:
Increase the Process Information
Reduce Unplanned and Planned Stoppages
Optimize Process Cycles and Minimize Short Stoppages
Support Factory Energy Efficiency
Optimize Production Processes
Reduce Defects and Reutilization
Poor Quality -> Poor Performance -> Insufficient Availability -> Delivery Problems
The data gathered by AuresSound™ is processed in real-time and it has an online data interface. It provides you with continuous information about the condition of the machine. Alarms detailing what and where has happened are also included in the system. All the valuable information is automatically saved in cloud storage to help keep track of everything.
Developed as a Nordic partnership project
AuresSound™ has been developed as a Nordic partnership project. One of the partnership companies in the development of AuresSound™ is the municipal waterworks company Vakin in Umeå, Sweden. Vakin has been using AuresSound™ technology since January 2018. ”I have been very happy with information AuresSound™ has provided us with. There was an incident last summer where the system alerted us of a problem with one of our pumps. We were able to correct the problem and the pumps efficiency improved markedly after the maintenance,” says Vakins Maintenance Manager Walter Jonasson.

What Is Going on?

We are always listening
"AURES services have been developed on proprietary service platform together with world leading corporate partners. Over 10 years of success in acoustic condition monitoring, sound environment management and fine particle monitoring have been based on continuous innovation and working closely together with our customers. Long-standing cooperation with global companies has enabled us to be a leader in our field of business.
We provide turnkey solutions for clients' noise monitoring projects. We have tailored the service in such a way that customers enjoy working with us."
Antti R. Leskinen, APL Systems, CEO